Friday, June 25, 2010

Overdue Updates

Okay, so I've been through a lot. I haven't updated this blog since past May 21 of last year (a day which I was almost killed actually!)

Anyway, I've gotten a new cover site for Heavenly Solace. Go through the original forum to find the link to it. On that site there's an alternate forum as well, but that one will serve purposes for our projects primarily instead of socialization (though it can still go around there too,) unlike the original forum. I hope people will go for both.

On top of that, I'll be changing the mugen character roster in the works:
1-Some characters will no longer be on the topic, further development for them will be aborted. One such character is Etna.

2-Some characters will be completely changed around and/or become either stronger, faster, or both.
Two are: Hankyouran, Etna.
Hankyouran will be a bit bigger and have armor and hands. As for Etna, I'll completely change her into someone else, but also demote her to only a side playable character if not completely abort development for her.

3-Some new characters will be able to enter the roster! Permission was granted by a friend; special guests who are from Yusef1992 are:
Frost, Smash T. Echidna, Splice T. Hedgehog, Kyle T. Hedgehog
These versions released by me are only trial types and will be modified moreover by Yusef himself. Ask him for permission to download them when complete. You may find him on Sonic Blitz or on his Youtube account: Yusef1992.

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